Former Employee/Student Self-Service Guide

CMTN Employee Self Service features allow employees to view their tax information, position history, add and update other information.


1. Login to using your myCMTN credentials.

   Username format first name first initial + last name

   Example: - Mary Poppins username entered is mpoppins (all in lowercase)

2. You will be prompted to enter your password.

Once Signed into Self-Service, you will see a screen like the one in the image below.





Option 1: About You

You may need to update contact information including address, email, and phone number. Additionally, you can also update other personal identity information within About You.

Reviewing and updating personal information

  1. Select About You from your user icon on your top right corner or click on the hamburger icon on the top left corner to access the main menu, select About You under User Options.
  2. Click on Edit Personal Identity button to add/update personal details including:
    Chosen First and Last Name
    Preferred Pronoun

    Gender Identity
  3. To keep changes select Save

The following information can be updated in About You:

Addresses- HR/Payroll needs to verify once you have updated your address.
Email Addresses- To update payroll email address, please contact Payroll department.

Phone Numbers


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Option 2: Emergency Information

Reviewing and updating emergency information

  1. Select Emergency Information from your user icon on your top right corner or click on the
    hamburger icon on the top left corner to access the main menu, select Emergency Information
    under User Options.

2. Click on Add New Contact, enter name and other details
3. Select this contact as an Emergency or Missing contact

4. Health and other emergency related information can also be added on the same page

If you want to update an existing contact on file, follow the below steps.

1. Click on the pencil icon on the existing record to edit the details
2. To delete the contact, click on the cancel icon instead




Option 1: Tax Information

To view T4s, click on Tax Information tile under employee overview.

  1. Click on the statement link for a particular tax year
  2. This will open the pdf if you wish to download it

You can view all T4s up to 2010

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Option 2: Position History

Use Position History tile to view a list of all your positions at CMTN

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Option 3: Earnings Statement

You can view your earnings statements or pay advices in a pdf format. Select the year to view your list of pay advices.

Image of employee self serve statement of earnings view




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Article ID: 3500
Wed 4/13/22 11:50 AM
Mon 9/23/24 4:16 PM