Coast Mountain College Student Network Services


On Coast Mountain College Network Services for Students


  • Coast Mountain College student email account ( 
  • Microsoft 365 (see also: Microsoft Portal
  • Network Workstation/Computer Login (Allowing you to log in to Campus Library and Lab Computers)
  • Student Network Drive (Personal U:Drive)
  • Print Queue, Printer Login, Scan to email
  • Brightspace, Coast Mountain College's online Learning Management System (LMS)

Coast Mountain College Student Network Username Format

Format for your Student Network Username/Login is always based on your legal name when you first were accepted as a student of Coast Mountain College. If your name changes we will update your visible name in all places however your username login and thus email address, will remain the same. If you are uncertain of what your username is, please contact Enrolment Services.


Passwords - Temporary/Self Defined/Resets

The first password you receive as a new student is unique and intended to be temporary. In the case of a reset, you will receive a randomly generated password, also intended to be temporary. As soon as possible, you will want to log in to any network connected computer on Campus and change your password to something private and secure.

To do this, once you are logged in, use the ctrl+alt+delete keyboard shortcut to pull up a menu with Change a password as an item. Clicking on Change a password will bring you to a screen where you will enter your current password (if you are new or have just had a password changed this is the temporary password given to you) followed by your self defined password, twice.


Regularly changing your password during campus hours using the above method will help prevent an account lock out occurring on evenings or weekends when no one is available to assist you with a reset.

Please also review the article Why Strong Passwords? for tips on why and how to create strong self defined passwords!




Article ID: 4796
Thu 12/15/22 1:36 PM
Fri 12/16/22 2:00 PM